All workers in Iowa are covered by workers’ compensation insurance because the state requires it by law. This includes agricultural and domestic employees under certain conditions. Coverage is provided on a no-fault basis provided that the injury is work-related or occurred in the work place during regular work hours. Workers’ compensation may be provided through private insurance or employer self-insurance.
In case of injury, the worker is provided with full medical benefits attended by a physician chosen by the employer. There are no limitations placed over the money or time of the required medical treatment.
When disability occurs, workers’ comp may cover total temporary disability (TTD) and permanent total disability (PTD) as well as permanent partial disability (PPD). The payout is based on the predetermined percentage of the worker’s weekly wage up to the maximum payment amount as described in the policy. For PTD, the payments are made for as long as the disability is present. Under PPD, benefits will be paid for up to 500 weeks. Workers’ comp can also provide for physical and vocational rehabilitation as well as payouts for permanent head or face disfigurement. In some cases, hearing loss may also be compensated.
When death ensues as a result of a work-related incident, the insurer may pay out a certain percentage of the employee’s wages to the surviving family as a death benefit. A separate burial allowance may also be provided.
It should be noted that the statements above are a general description workers’ compensation insurance coverage. There may be significant differences from carrier to carrier depending on the fine print of the policies themselves, as well as from state to state. When in doubt, it would be better to consult a workers’ compensation lawyer before making a claim to reduce the chances of having your claim disapproved. Most workers’ comp policies provide for reimbursement for a certain portion of attorney’s fees related to a claim.